Superman Comic

Jerry Siegel, the sixth son of a Jewish family. His father Mitchell Siegel (née Mikhel Segalovich) was a sign painter opened a haberdashery and in order to encourage his son's artistic inclinations. He became active in what would become known as fandom, corresponding with other science fiction fans, including the young future author Jack Williamson. In 1929, Siegel published what might have been the first SF fanzine, Cosmic Stories, which he produced with a manual typewriter and advertised in the classified section of Science Wonder Stories. He published several other booklets over the next few years. In January 1933, Jerry Siegel wrote a story entitled "The Reign of the Super-Man." Siegel and Joe Shuster then created a comic book entitled "The Superman" later in 1933. A Chicago publisher expressed interest, but did not follow through, and in frustration, Shuster tore up all the pages of this comic except for the cover. Later, in 1934, Siegel had t...