
Showing posts from November, 2012

5 Benefits of Kissing

Kissing is great for romantic bonding and just as awesome for your health. Kissing might be the appropriate ending to a date and a means of connecting with our main squeeze. The collision of lips and tongues that we often take for granted has a whole lot more bubbling under the surface than what meets the eye. Swine flu scares,HIV scare and mono aside, kissing actually does a body very, very good. 1. Kissing boosts immunity. A recent study reported in the journal Medical Hypotheses says kissing may increase a woman’s immunity from Cytomegalovirus. Cytomegalovirus, contracted through mouth to mouth contact, can cause infant blindness and other birth defects if the mother is a carrier during pregnancy. Otherwise, the bug is relatively harmless in adults. Kissing has long been thought to be a way to pass along bugs and thus strengthen the body’s defenses. 2. Kissing helps you pick the best mate. Anthropologist Helen Fisher describes kissing as a “mate assessment t...