How to Tweak the IMEI of a phone

Many people usually find it difficult 'tweaking' their phones. This is because they do not understand what it means and so assume it is difficult or it needs a broad knowledge of programming to do such. Today i give you ten (10) steps on how you can do it from your comfort zone.

Everyone has his/her own tricks, do well to drop yours or drop a link to where i can check it out. 

Good luck !!!!!!!!!

1. Look for MTK engineering app or mobiles uncle. 
2. Download it if u don't have. Install and run. 
3. Then open and choose MTK SETTINGS. 
4. Then swipe to ur right to CONNECTIVITY and choose CDS INFORMATION then choose RADIO INFORMATION. 
5. Now choose the simple slot u wanna change (phone 1 or 2). 
6. Then u will see a box with A+ . 
7. Click inside and type any letter and delete it to bring out a drop down menu where u choose AT+EGMR=1,7,""  then type ur IMEI number between the "". 
8. That is AT+EGMR=1,1,"IMEI NUMBER". 
9. And when you're done, press send command and restart ur phone. 
10. Then dial *#06# to check if it changed

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