How to get that dream job
There is only one thing between you and the ULTIMATE job…the dreaded job interview! Wouldn't it be great to know the common mistakes most of us make before the interview, so you could actually avoid them? To find out what we're doing wrong, we caught up with Dana Fiser, the Global CEO of Jenny Craig who has been with the company for 20 years and conducted literally hundreds of job interviews at every level of the organization. You may be surprised at just how many of these mistakes you're making without even knowing it… Mistake #1: Not knowing the company Dana believes that one of the biggest let downs is when people arrive at the interview having not fully researched the company they are hoping to work for. These days most companies have a website where you can find out a huge amount about the organization's "DNA"- it's main purpose, products and plans. Failing to do your research leaves the impression that you just ...