How To Make Your Business Card Stand out

A business card is an entrepreneur's most valuable marketing tool. Though some people don't care to get fancy and merely want something to hand out with their name and contact info on it, it's best to put a little time and thought into what you're passing out so it doesn't end up lost in a sea of similar or cards, or worse, in the trash. A good way to begin this task is by taking all the business cards you have acquired and fan them out on a table. See which ones attract your eye and why. If you already have a business card, add yours to the mix and see how it compares. It has been found that cards with the color red, pictures of any sort, different shapes (ovals or squares rather than rectangles), nonstandard orientation (vertical instead of horizontal), or backgrounds other than white truly catch the eye. 
Here are some things others are doing with their cards that can get your creative juices flowing:
" A mortgage loan interest table or statistics on the back of a mortgage broker's card.
" A charred hole "burnt" through a firefighter's card.
" Bite marks on a veterinarian's card.
" Teeth impressions on a dentist's card.
" Thumbprints on a detective's card.
" A favorite recipe on the back of a chef's card.
" Multiple languages on an interpreter's card.
" Miniature "checks" torn off a pad for a banker's card.
Here are some other unique ideas:
" Folded, 3D, or pop-up cards.
" Leather, magnetic, or brail cards.
" Include a famous quotation, Bible verse, or movie line that connects to your brand.
" Print the phonetic spelling of a difficult to pronounce name.
" Gilded edges, plastic, or see-through cards.
" Spoof a famous logo.
The sky's the limit when it comes to creativity. Take pride in your card (and ultimately your business) and hand out something people won't forget. If you start getting compliments, you'll know you're on the right track.

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