February: LOVE and LIKE

Relationship is not something you rush into. Live your life as if you will not die. Death is a price every human being will pay, so do not plan your life as if you will live forever. 'Love' and 'Like" are two words people use in a relationship, permit me to say wrongly. I say so because they both mean different things and should be used at different times and situations.

Love is been encountered in a moment but Like can be for a long time. Do not go for what you think but go for what your heart pounds for or force love to flow between you and anybody. It should be allowed to find its purpose and process.
Feelings for me should begin with Like not Love because it is those things you like about the person that will keep the fire of the love burning. Falling in Love at first sight is interesting although I have not felt it but I feel it does not have the qualities as Liking before Loving.
This statement  'I Love you'  has three words and we use them at different times. Do me really knowing what we are saying, that is the power in those words? Be safe, say I Like you till you are sure you Love the person.

Here are some of the things I do, when some says I Love you.

- I look into the person's eyes if the eyes are saying the same thing the mouth is saying

- I observe the feeling I got as the statement was made

- In my mind, I ask myself:

* Did I really feel anything or do I feel anything?
* Am I worth this Love?

After asking myself these and other questions, if the answers are not positive I conclude by asking the most important question which is ' Does this feeling, have the potential of growing and becoming something better? If this is also a No, then I start pulling off.

We are in the month of Love. For me, it is a month of evaluating a relationship. Defining the next stage of the relationship and I will advice you do same. This will help position your relationship for the remaining months of the year.


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