The Perfect Valentine Gift.

Today is Valentine's day. A day that's about love. This day has different meaning to different people, to some a day to spend quality time with the person you love, to some it is the day you show you love someone with the hope of getting something back today to show your love expression was felt and acknowledged. To others it is a normal day, you wake up in the morning, say your prayers, eat, take your bathe and go to work. Close later in the day, come back home take your bathe and rest as work continues tomorrow.

To some special people it their birthday, others wedding anniversary, others relationship anniversary and others the day there hearts were broken.
The last group of people are those that are sad today, either they lost someone or something no one can replace.
So from the above mentioned which category do you belong? What is Valentine's day to you and what is the perfect valentine gift?
For me the perfect valentine gift is, renewing our vows to each other as a family, as friends and as lovers. No gift can replace the gift of peace, knowing that you love someone and the person loves you too. Willing to go the extra mile for your sake, loving and accepting you despite your weaknesses and shortcomings.

It is not a day of just sending flowers, hanging out or making love; it is about strengthen your relationship and being sure you are with the right person at this stage of your life.

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